Why Concrete Testing?

Projects and budgets can be at risk if concrete is not tested to the relevant BS or BS EN Standards. Simtec endeavours to keep a project moving forward at all times. The extensive testing capacity allows peace of mind and assurance when its needed to progress to the next stage of a project.

Benefits of Concrete Testing

  • Understand the reliability and strength of hardened concrete
  • Ensure it withstands the designed level of compression
  • Reduce project risk in terms of time and cost
Concrete Drilling Machine

Hardened Concrete Compressive Strength Testing

To prove the strength of a freshly mixed concrete, cube samples are taken in either 100mm or 150mm cube moulds. The cubes are then cured in a water bath for 28 days and then tested in a compression machine, where they are subjected to increasing load until failure. The resultant crushing strength can then be compared to the design strength of the content.

Concrete Core Samples in the lab

Petrographic Examination

Petrographic examination is the microscopic examination of thinly sliced sections of concrete cores to identify the mineralogy and constituents of a concrete, along with identifying any degradation present. This includes a detailed petrographic report.

Concrete Core Samples in the lab


The relevant UKAS accredited laboratory tests for fresh and hardened concrete, and the corresponding standard numbers are:

Fresh Concrete
Test Standard Number

Sampling fresh concrete on site - composite sample - spot sample

BS EN 12350-1:2019


BS EN 12350-2:2019

Making and curing specimens for strength tests 

BS EN 12390-2:2019

Flow table test

BS EN 12350-5:2019

Air content - pressure gauge method

BS EN 12350-7:2019

Hardened Concrete
Test Standard Number

Taking cores

BS EN 12504-1:2019

Compressive strength of cubes - including curing

BS EN 12390-3:2019, BS EN 12390-1:2021, BS EN 12390-2:2019


BS EN 12390-7:2019+AC 2020

Cored specimens - examining and testing in compression

BS EN 12504-1:2019

Concrete Testing Services

  • Compressive Strength
  • Tensile Strength
  • Density
  • Water Absorption
  • Cement Content
  • Sulphate/Chloride Content
  • HAC Content/Presence
  • Carbonation Depth
  • Mix Design
  • Laboratory Trial Mix
  • Cube, Cylinder, and Beam Manufacture
  • Air Content